Feb 20, 2016: Marilou was a keynote speaker at ASLO Multicultural Program in New Orleans.

April 15 2016: Sanjin Mehic was accepted to the PBSE- Micro PhD program at UCSC, yey!

May 1, 2016: Aigbe will start her Masters under the MORE Program at Cal State LA, yey!

June, 15, 2016: Sami will start her PhD in Stanford this Fall, yey!

August 22, 2016: Welcome Dr. Leni Yap-Dejeto to our lab!

September 1, 2016: Adam got a real job in San Diego…congrats Adam!

Dec 20, 2016: Michael Kempnich got the SREA research award…congrats Mike!

Feb. 15, 2017: Marilou was invited to speak at the Nature Conference on Biofilms and Microbiomes at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.  http://www.ntu.edu.sg/ias/upcomingevents/NC2017/Pages/Speakers.aspx

October 6, 2016: Our paper is on the news!


April 22-23, 2017:  Shotgun Metagenomics at UCSC hosted by Sison-Mangus Lab and the Ocean Sciences Department.


May 2, 2017: Marilou gave a talk at UC Santa Barbara, IGP-Marine Science.

May 3, 2017: Congratulations to Michael Kempnich for getting the Myers Trust Research Award!