Marilou Sison-Mangus
Marilou Sison-Mangus


I am an adjunct faculty for the Ocean Sciences (OS) department and the Program in Biomedical Sciences and Engineering (PBSE). I am also a Researcher at the Institute of Marine Sciences.

Nick Fong, Project Scientist
Nick Fong, Project Scientist
Dr. Leni Yap-Dejeto, Postdoc
Dr. Leni Yap-Dejeto, Postdoc

Graduate Students

Terrill Yazzie
Terrill Yazzie
Michael Kempnich
Michael Kempnich

Undergraduate Students

Anina Baker
Anina Baker
Monica Appiano
Monica Appiano
Question Mark denoting that no image for the student was provided
Peter Chanseyha
Question Mark denoting that no image for the student was provided
Brandon De Guzman

Former Lab members

Sanjin Mehic
Sanjin Mehic
Adam Taylor
Adam Taylor
Ebiuwa Osula
Ebiuwa Osula
Aigbe Woghiren
Aigbe Woghiren
Sami Chen
Sami Chen
Evan McMahon
Evan McMahon